CBE Seminar: Mark Barteau

“Tackling Carbon Dioxide Removal and Conversion: Experiences from Leadership Roles to the Lab”

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) from the atmosphere has become a critical component of virtually every scenario to keep average global temperature increases below 2°C. Conversion of captured CO2 to valuable products offers the prospect of making economics more favorable. This talk will explore the author’s experiences in this space, from launching the “Beyond Carbon Neutral” initiative at the University of Michigan, to recent National Academies’ reports on research agendas for CDR and for utilization of waste carbon, to laboratory studies of tandem catalytic processes for CO2 capture and conversion. A recurring theme is the need for a portfolio of strategies and solutions to address this pressing global problem.

Barteau Flyer-1

Date(s) - Nov 09, 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Boelter Hall 3400
420 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles CA 90095