CBE Seminar: Cathy Tway

“Innovation for a Mature Technology Space”

The need for innovation is a very popular topic, both in the popular press and in business circles.
Simultaneously, the effectiveness of R&D in delivering innovation is highly scrutinized. Typically, the
time from project initiation to the breakeven point after commercialization for new materials and
chemical processes can be on the order of 10 to 20 years, with the timeline becoming lengthier as
technologies become more disruptive. In mature areas, challenges in introducing new technologies
become even greater because of incumbency, and yet, innovation is particularly important to enable
decarbonization of the industrial sectors. This talk will present an overview of a few of the challenges
for industrial innovation and highlight some of the future industrial innovation opportunities.

Cathy Tway Flyer

Date(s) - Dec 07, 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Boelter Hall 3400
420 Westwood Plaza Los Angeles CA 90095