Research Labs
Advanced bioadhesives/sealants for wound closure and surgical applications, novel elastin-based biomaterials for soft tissue engineering, conductive biomaterials for cardiac tissue engineering, multifunctional nanocomposite hydrogels for drug/gene delivery, 3D bioprinted tissue engineered constructs.
Chang Lab
Plasma chemistries and surface kinetics, atomic layer deposition of complex and multifunctional oxide materials, semiconductor processing and chemistry, computational surface chemistry, nanostructured complex oxides.
Biomolecular design and evolution in two nanoscale systems: simple synthetic cells and bacteriophages (phages).
Applying molecular and synthetic biology techniques to rewire and construct novel biological circuits for applications in health and medicine, particularly in cell-based immunotherapy.
Control of nonlinear and hybrid process networks, Distributed and economic model predictive control, fault-tolerant control and process safety, water and energy system modeling and control, control and optimization of multiscale process systems, model reduction, optimization and control of nonlinear distributed parameter systems, multiscale modeling and control of particulate and solar cell systems.
Surface nano-structuring with polymers and organosilanes, graft polymerization, membranes: desalination, ultrafiltration and pervaporation, surface crystallization, neural networks for quantitative-structure property estimation, intermedia and multimedia transport in environmental systems, environmental impact assessment.
Our research focuses on the surface chemistry and engineering of semiconductor manufacturing processes. We are interested in the chemical vapor deposition of compound semiconductors and in atmospheric plasma processing of materials.
The Houk Group solves problems in organic and bio-organic chemistry using theoretical and computational methods and programs. Theoretical predictions and designs of new reactions, reagents, and catalysts are tested experimentally in the Houk lab or with collaborators.
His research is based on developing micro- and nanoscale biomaterials to control cellular behavior with particular emphasis in developing engineered materials and systems for tissue engineering. He is also developing ‘organ-on-a-chip’ systems that aim to mimic human response to various chemicals in vitro. In addition, his laboratory is developing technologies to control the formation of vascularized tissues with appropriate microarchitectures as well as regulating stem cell differentiation within microengineered systems. He has also pioneered various high performance biomaterials for medical applications that are currently being pursued for clinical translation.
Our research has focused on metabolism, including its biochemistry, extension, and regulation. We use metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, and systems biology to construct microorganisms to produce next generation biofuels and to study the obesity problem in human. We also develop mathematical tools for investigating metabolism and guiding engineering design.
Nanostructured Materials and Devices, molecular design and self-assembly, energy storage and conversion, biomimetic materials and system.
Plasma simulation, process design, process optimization, process control.
Focuses on the conception and development of new technologies derived from living things and on the molecular engineering of surfaces for materials and nanoelectronics applications.
The Morales-Guio Lab is interested in electrochemical catalysis, particularly with respect to energy and chemical transformations for sustainable energy applications. Our research spans across multiple chemical engineering subfields, from material synthesis and electrochemical testing to kinetic modeling and design of electrochemical and photoelectrochemical cells.
Cancer Metabolism, Metabolic Engineering, Bioenergy, CO2 fixation, Systems Biology, Computational Biology, Metabolomics, Metabolic Flux Analysis, Metabolic Control Analysis.
First principles atomic scale simulations, quantum chemistry, applications to heterogeneous catalysis: active sites and reaction mechanisms, nano-materials for depollution and energy transformation, molecules at surfaces.
Heterogeneous catalysis is a key enabling technology in our quest for sustainability. In our research group we strive to develop novel catalytic systems for clean energy and environmental sustainability.
Catalytic conversion of alternative energy and chemical feedstocks, heterogeneous catalysis and kinetics, catalyst design, surface chemistry and characterization.
Research in the Srivastava Laboratory utilizes molecular design and self-assembly of mesoscopic building blocks to address current limitations in biotechnology and nanotechnology. Our work aims to harness charge interactions among macromolecules and nanomaterials to modulate self-assembly of multifunctional novel materials.
Metabolic engineering, natural product biosynthesis