CESMII’s Smart Manufacturing Innovation Center (SMIC) at UCLA will host a Smart Manufacturing Symposium at Mong Auditorium on Friday September 29. The UCLA SMIC is focused on development of predictive technologies for application in SM, and pressure testing CESMII’s SM Innovation Platform (SMIP) for accelerated R&D and predictive model development. You will hear from industry leaders and CESMII on latest developments and applications of Smart Manufacturing (SM) technologies and practices, with emphasis on visualization tools, digital twins, data analytics, machine learning and automation. You will have a chance to tour R&D facilities in the Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) as well as Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Departments to learn about the latest R&D and SM applications for chemical and advanced manufacturing processes. Application of the CESMII SM Innovation Platform for R&D will be demonstrated.
Please register here: https://sites.google.com/g.ucla.edu/smart-manufacturing-2023/home
*If you have trouble accessing the website, please use incognito mode when clicking the link.